Friday, 27 July 2018

Social Studies

Mining on conservation land should be banned!

The only reason the government might ban mining on
conservation land is because they are mining our native
bush and if we don't stop mining on conservation land there
will be no land for our native wildlife because most of our land will
be holes. Mining is dirty because it is just a big gravel hole
and all these big metal machines and smoke everywhere so what would you
rather lots of smoke and metal or lots of bush and trees. Some of the mining site
are on conservation land but some aren't so we are protecting all our bush
and there are still some mine for the miners

If we don't stop mining on conservation land it will affect our tourism
because we will have not have much bush and Glaser's but if we don't
stop all the smoke that we are producing it will kill the Glaser's and that is
one of new Zealand biggest tourism spots. Even if we are making a lot of
money for mining we will still be losing money for no tourism.

(by the way, I do not believe this did I convince you)